apple & marshmallow smiles

How to encourage a picky toddler to eat!

More of a creative than a crafty (guest) post for Crafts on Sea with some fun food ideas for fussy toddlers.

Today I am guest-posting over at the wonderful Kate’s Crafts on Sea blog (who has just had a gorgeous ickle baby – HUGE CONGRATULATIONS Kate!), sharing some creative food ideas for fussy toddlers…
Why not pop over and take a look?

apple & marshmallow smiles

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    • Hodge Podge

      Tell me they get more adventurous with age… Or is that not til they leave home?! 😉

      • I’m sorry to break the news to you but there is only a narrow window of opportunity between they’re six and ten when they’re a little more pliant. Then teenage conservatism kicks in and it’s burger and pizza all the way! My elder (brought up to appreciate French cuisine, sushi and the finer things in life), went to Harvester for Sunday lunch. He came back enthusing about how fantastic the food was. Sigh.

        • Hodge Podge

          Hilarious! I remember not being bothered about salad until I went to uni and realised I missed and couldn’t afford it! 😉

          • Boys will live on Pot Noodles, chip butties, fried Mars bars and pizza. Maximum calories for minimum cost…

  1. Hodge Podge

    mmmm, if only I could get away with that kind of diet! 😉

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