Wordless Wednesday: charity find

Wordless Wednesday: charity find

Look what I found in the local charity shop this week… I LOVE them!
Guess how little they cost me?

gorgeous teacup & saucers

I’m so delighted with these. Β They’ll be perfect for making teacup scented candles for friends at Christmas!

What’s the best thing you’ve ever found in a charity shop?

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  1. WOW! These are just beautiful. What a great find!! I’ve found several darling tea cups at charity shops, but you win!! Be sure to post a photo when you make them into candles. I’d love to see the finished product.


    • Hodge Podge

      Thanks Kristen! I will definitely post a follow-up pic once I’ve added the candle bit πŸ™‚

  2. Wool. Lots and lots of lovely vintage, untouched, English rare breed sheep wool. And patterns to match : )

    • Hodge Podge

      Wow – rare breed sheep wool – that sounds like it should be very expensive…?! I love charity shop mooching – never know what treasures you might find πŸ˜€

  3. Love these! The look sort of jadeite-esque, which I’m so into right now. Great find!

    • Hodge Podge

      Thanks Lauren πŸ˜€ I worried that this post might seem a bit smug, but I really am just genuinely pleased with my bargain and wanted to share them!

  4. wow they’re gorgeous! So shiny they almost look like real gold πŸ™‚

    • Hodge Podge

      Thanks Katie!
      Don’t they though? I think they will be super-festive once I’ve finished and wrapped them up πŸ™‚

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