The best T craft ideas for kids

The best T craft ideas for kids

The best (beginning with a) T craft ideas for kids: super cute toilet roll owls, tape hair bow and toilet roll constellation projectors.

Take a look at these fantastic T craft ideas for kids from last week’s #Pintorials

Best T craft ideas for kids

Best T craft ideas for kids:

  • Toilet roll owls from Misplaced Brit: I am in love with these little creatures – they’re just TOO CUTE!
  • Tape hair bow from The Purple Pumpkin Blog: her fantastic video tutorial teaches you how to make this gorgeous Minnie Mouse bow.
  • Toilet roll star constellation projectors by Bubba Blue And Me: what a fun learning activity – project star constellations through toilet rolls – utter genius.

Today I’m linking up another football-related craft post on how to make World Cup Brazilian samba dancers (with free printables)!

Why not pop round to my co-hosts; Eileen (recipes), Kate (seaside craft ideas) and Anna (garden activities) too?
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Show 3 Comments


  1. Ooh thanks for the mention lovely! There were just tones of fantastic ideas last week!
    I’ll have to pop back with my new link 🙂

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