
Tuesday Tutorials – join our Pinning party!

Addicted to Pinterest?  Love learning?  Want to try some new tutorials?  Need inspiration?  You’ve come to the right place!

Welcome to the first Tuesday Tutorials Pin Party, hosted by Anna from In the Playroom, Kate from Crafts on Sea, Anthea from Tales from Mount Pleasant and myself.  Pour yourself a cuppa or G&T (if you’re having one of those days!), grab an eclair and put your feet up.  Then share with us your fabulous tutorials (crafts, recipes, DIY etc) on the linky below.

We will include all the linked posts on our Tuesday Tutorials group Pinterest board, tweet our favourites using #pintorials and include a selection on our weekly round-up posts (I will be keeping an eye out for crafts and activities for kids, but the other hosts have their own preferences)!

Please do grab the blog badge below if you’d like to join in (code below badge).


<a href="">
<img title="pintorialsbadge" alt="pintorialsbadge" 


  1. Add the URL of your Pin or blog post below.  We will then add it to our Pintorials Pinterest Board. It must be an instruction based post of some kind but this could be crafts, recipes or anything else.  It can be old or new, but please only add each thing once and add only one post a week.
  2. Follow the Pintorials Pinterest Board. If you’d like to follow your hosts too that would be lovely, we are Gude, Kate, Anna and Anthea
  3. Visit at least 3 of the sites pinned below and pin them to one of your boards. If you’d like to say you’re visiting from Pintorials that would be marvellous. Of course you can pin more than that if you want!
  4. You don’t have to use the badge above, but it would be great if you can, or if you’d give us a text link. The more people know about Pintorials, the more can join in the party!

Tuesday Tutorials linky…

Show 21 Comments


  1. Thanks for a fun party! GOing to look through now and get pinning!

    Copying the badge code though, threw in some erroneous quotations marks – just a heads up for others (I use Blogger) xx

    • Eeek – thanks for the heads-up Michelle!
      MisterPodge is on the case with a fix… x

  2. Thanks for the invite.

    I love a good pinning party!

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