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The best B craft ideas for kids

The best (beginning with a) B craft ideas for kids: bird and butterfly sun-catchers, paper plate hot air balloons and a button tree picture.

Here are my favourite three B craft ideas for kids from last week’s #Pintorials linky:

B craft ideas for kids

Best B craft ideas for kids:

  • Button tree picture from Jennifer’s Little World: This is so simple and would make a great gift!
  • Hot air balloon from a paper plate by From ABCs to ACTs: Most kids would enjoy both making this and then playing with it afterwards (I imagine Lego mini-figures would enjoy a ride).
  • Bird & butterfly sun-catchers from In The Playroom: These look so beautiful and not difficult for even young kids to make.

This week I’m linking up my Nature scavenger hunt (with free printable).  It’s loads of fun to do with kids of all ages and best of all, it requires no preparation!

Why not check out my co-hosts; Eileen (Frozen activities), Kate (birthday party ideas) and Anna (book activities) too?
If you’d like to link up, here’s a reminder of the rules (remember – please only link up one post per week)…


The #Pintorials Rules:

  • Add the URL of your Pin or blog post below using the Linky. We will then add it to our Pintorials Pinterest Board. It must be an instruction based post of some kind but this could be crafts, recipes or anything else. It can be old or new, but please only add each thing once and add only one post a week.
  • It is really helpful if you allow your posts’ images to be copied (even better if you have a ‘Pin it’ button, as this makes our task easier!  By linking up your post, you agree to us using at least one picture if your post is featured.
  • Follow the Pintorials Pinterest Board. If you’d like to follow your hosts too that would be fabulous.  We are Eileen, Gude, Kate and Anna.
  • Visit at least 3 of the sites pinned below and pin them to one of your boards. If you’d like to say you’re visiting from #Pintorials (or Tweet about the linky) that would be marvellous. Of course you can pin more than that if you want!
  • You don’t have to use the badge, but it would be great if you can, or if you’d give us a text link. The more people know about Pintorials, the more can join in the party!

P.S. You can grab the blog badge here if you’d like to use it.

#Pintorials linky:

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  1. Thank you very much for featuring my button tree craft, I’m really enjoying taking part in this linky!

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